Posted by: dennio Eurovision, Music 0 comments

Dennio applies for Eurovision

After trying in 2019 and 2022, Dennio tries it for the third time applying for the Eurovision song contest for Germany. The song is called “On The Edge” and this personal story is about how a person has been trying all along, but at some point they reach the point where they can’t do it anymore and have to let go. The song was created together with German violinist Maria Luefing and singer Sascha Behr.


🇩🇪 Wir haben uns letzte Woche offiziell für den deutschen Vorentscheid des Eurovision Song Contest beworben. Unser Song heißt „On The Edge“ und diese persönliche Geschichte handelt davon, dass eine Person es die ganze Zeit versucht hat, aber irgendwann der Punkt angekommen ist, an dem man nicht mehr kann und loslassen muss. Wenn er euch gefällt, lasst uns gerne Feedback da und teilt den Songausschnitt, wenn ihr mögt. Wir freuen uns über jeglichen Support =) „Wir“ sind meine Freunde Maria (Geigerin), Sascha (Sänger) und ich (Produzent) 🎶 🇬🇧 Last week we officially applied for the German preliminary round of the Eurovision Song Contest. Our song is called “On The Edge” and this personal story is about how a person has been trying all along, but at some point they reach the point where they can’t do it anymore and have to let go. If you like it, please leave us feedback and share the song excerpt if you like. We look forward to any support =) “We“ are my friends Maria (violinist), Sascha (singer) an me (producer) 🎶 #EurovisionGermany2024 #esc #esc24 #esc2024 #escgermany #escgermany2024 #eurovision #eurovisionsongcontest #eurovision2024 #eurovisionsongcontest2024 #escvorentscheid #escdeutschland #eurovisiondeutschland

♬ dennio Sascha Behr and Maria Luefing On The Edge – dennio


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